Section 1. Installation. The elected Grand Officers and grand line officers already appointed shall be installed before the conclusion of the Annual Grand Assembly.
Section 2. Terms of Office and Vacancies. The elected and appointed Grand Officers shall hold office for one (1) year, and/or until their successors shall have been elected or appointed and duly installed, unless their terms are shortened due to justifiable reasons. In the event that vacancy occurs in the position of elective and appointive Grand Officers, the following rule on succession shall be observed:
2.1 That in the position of Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Senior Grand Warden, the next in line shall serve the unexpired term without prejudice to his nomination to the same position in the succeeding election.
2.2 That in the position of Junior Grand Warden, the Grand Master shall appoint a replacement Pro-Tempore from the Council of Elders who shall serve the unexpired term in a concurrent capacity. The Junior Grand Warden Pro-Tempore shall not be included in the line of succession and shall not be eligible for nomination to any elective position in the Grand Lodge in the succeeding annual grand election.
2.3 For vacancy in any elective position other than the Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Wardens, the Grand Master upon consultation with the Council of Elders, shall appoint a replacement who shall serve the unexpired term without prejudice to his nomination to the same office in the succeeding annual grand election.
2.4 For any vacancy occurring in appointive Grand Lodge positions, the Grand Master shall appoint a replacement who shall serve the unexpired term.
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