Friday, September 7, 2007

Article IX


Section 1. Automatic Nominees. Pursuant to Section 8, Article VIII of the IGLPI Constitution the following are considered automatically nominated during the Annual Grand Election:

1.1 The elected and installed Deputy Grand Master, the Senior and Junior Grand Wardens shall be considered nominated for the next higher position, unless they become ineligible.

1.2 The incumbent Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, and Grand Auditor shall be automatically nominated for the same positions, subject to confirmation by the Council of Elders, without prejudice to its consideration of other nominees.

Section 2. Confirmation. The Council of Elders shall transmit the confirmation of nominations of the incumbent Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and the Grand Auditor to the Election Board on the day of the Grand Elections but not later than one (1) hour before the scheduled time of the elections, together with any other nominations it may have considered and passed officially.

Section 3. No Nominations from the Floor. No nominations for any elective position shall be allowed from the floor during the Annual Grand Election.

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