Section 1. Manner of Election. The elective Grand Officers shall be elected through secret balloting by majority vote of the qualified electors.
Section 2. Requirements. Only qualified voting delegates duly accredited, who have registered in the Annual Grand Assembly, and who are in attendance to personally cast their ballots during the election shall be entitled to vote. Only one (1) vote per voting delegate is allowed.
Section 3. Voting Representation. The Grand Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the following qualified electors:
3.1 The six (6) Incumbent Elected Officers of an accredited subordinate Lodge: WM, SW, JW, Treasurer, Secretary, Auditor.
3.2 The immediate Past Master of an accredited subordinate Lodge, in representation of all Past Masters of his Lodge
3.3 The elected Grand Officers3.4 The Regional Grand Deputies3.5 The District Grand Supervisors.
Section 4. No Proxy Rule. No voter shall be allowed to fill up the ballot and cast the vote for and in behalf of any other voter.
Section 5. Accreditation Requirement. Only accredited Subordinate Lodges shall be able to participate in the Annual Grand Election. Election Accreditation Certificate shall be issued by the Committee on Credentials to a Lodge who has submitted its annual report and paid its dues and other Grand Lodge assessment. A Lodge without Election Accreditation shall not be entitled to vote during the election but may participate in other deliberations.
Section 6. Lodges under Dispensation. All elective officers of Lodges under dispensation (U. D.) are qualified to be delegates of their respective Lodges, provided they are duly registered in the Annual Grand Assembly. They shall have no vote in the election of Grand Officers however; they shall be entitled to participate in the proceedings and be allowed to vote on all issues.
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