Friday, September 7, 2007

Article III


Section 1. Elective Positions. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and Grand Auditor shall be elective.

Section 2. Appointive Positions. All other Grand Officers including Regional and District Grand Officers shall be appointed by the Grand Master. Appointive positions are:

2.1 Assistant Grand Secretary
2.2 Grand Inspector General
2.3 Grand Lecturer
2.4 Grand Legal Officer
2.5 Grand Chaplain
2.6 Grand Orator
2.7 Grand Marshal
2.8 Senior Grand Deacon
2.9 Junior Grand Deacon
2.10 Grand Standard Bearer
2.11 Grand Sword Bearer
2.12 Grand Bible Bearer
2.13 Senior Grand Steward
2.14 Junior Grand Steward
2.15 Grand Organist
2.16 Grand Tyler
2.17 Regional Grand Deputies
2.18 Regional Grand Inspectors
2.19 Regional Grand Lecturers
2.20 District Grand Supervisors
2.21 District Grand Inspectors
2.22 District Grand Lecturers

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