Section 1. Basic Requirements. The basic qualifications required to be eligible for any elective or appointive position in the Grand Lodge are the following:
1.1 Membership to a subordinate Lodge and actual residence in this jurisdiction; membership in good standing for at least ten (10) years prior to his selection.
1.2 Past Master of a subordinate Lodge for at least five (5) years and actively participating in Lodge, District or Grand Lodge affairs prior to his selection.
1.3 No record of any conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction involving disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines, culpable violation of the Philippine Constitution, dishonesty, violation of human rights, misconduct or commission of any offense involving moral turpitude.
1.4 No record of having been found guilty, after due process, of disloyalty to the Grand Lodge or culpable violation of IGLPI Constitution.
1.5 No record of suspension for un-Masonic conduct or any Masonic offense tried by any trial commission, either in this or in any grand jurisdiction.
1.6 Shall not have violated any such other provisions as may be contained in this code, other IGLPI codes, laws, ordinances, edicts, and general regulations of Masonry; or has committed any act or matter inimical to the Fraternity or which in the unanimous opinion of the Grand Lodge is morally culpable.
Section 2. Other Qualifications: In consonance with the “injunction or rather emulation of who best can work and best agree”, personal and Fraternity related qualifications shall be determining factors in selecting and electing Grand Officers.
2.1 The Election Board shall be authorized to require attachments and documentary evidence to support any solicited or unsolicited information or entries relative to the qualifications of a recommendee, nominee or candidate, contained in the data sheets and/or recommendation forms.
2.2 When evaluation criteria are required, such as in the selection of nominees for Grand Junior Warden, the Grand Lodge Executive Committee (EXECOM) shall be authorized to formulate, review and update such criteria which shall consider and gauge, among others the following:
2.2.1 Leadership qualities.2.2.2 Management skills.
2.2.3 Human relations.
2.2.4 Knowledge of Free Masonry.
Section 3. Added Qualification Required for Grand Master. Consistent with Masonic practice and tradition which has heretofore become part of the Code of By-Laws of Subordinate Lodges in this jurisdiction, no one shall be elected Grand Master unless he had been elected, installed and has served as Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge.
Section 4. Status of Membership. A dual or plural member of subordinate Lodges shall maintain his status as member in good standing in all his Lodges, otherwise he shall be ineligible for any position in the Grand Lodge, or if already elected shall automatically lose his Grand Lodge position.
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